“Unfortunately Edwin Booth is known primarily as the brother of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. Edwin Booth, however, was a celebrated Shakespearean actor. One stormy night in London, only a few people showed up at the theatre for a performance. Some of the actors wanted to cancel the performance, but Booth said, “No.” The cast asked how they could possibly get motivated for the performance, and Booth suggested they pretend the king was in the audience and to perform for him. “Play to the king,” Booth said. The cast did as Booth suggested and as they say, the show went on.

One day later Booth received a note that bore the royal seal. It was a note of appreciation from the king. He had indeed been in the audience the previous night. He had chosen the stormy night, thinking few would be present. He sat in the dimly lit back of the theatre unrecognized. The cast had, unbeknownst to them, played to the king.” (Preaching, May–June 2011, pp.56-57)

Who is your audience at church? What motivates you when you are tired and don’t really feel like coming? Maybe it’s when you take your turn in the nursery? Or when you serve as a greeter? Or maybe it’s when you come to church on Saturday morning or Sunday night for prayer? What motivates you to be faithful when you really don’t feel like it? Wherever and whenever you serve, you should do it as if the Lord himself is there with you. Because you know what, He is.

“Serve the Lord with gladness;” (Psalm 100:2)

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